We always are so excited about our French Flea Markets at Pomegranate, especially (after such a long winter!) the first one of the summer. Which is
today, Saturday, June 12, from 10-4. Our juried flea markets have gotten bigger and better every year; our hand-picked vendors are coming from all over the west. We have Paula from Idaho with her recycled metal garden art. Colleen from Walla Walla, who just did a weekend with the Farm Chicks show (and used to have a darling French shop). Michelle is bringing
tons of her vintage finds and repurposed handcrafts with a Parisian twist. Tess will be there with her fabulous and affordable vintage furnishings. Casarama is bringing (as always!) cool, cool stuff. We've got wonderful antiques dealers, fabulous Etsy artisans (from all over Oregon; many are local) with hand crafted jewelry, paintings, furnishings, handbags, cards, objets d'art. There's vintage fashion and linens (do you know someone once found an original 1960's to-die-for Chanel handbag at our flea market?). A Crêpe Affair will be with us, making fresh, gourmet sweet and savory crêpes (for the full French experience)... you will not go hungry at our flea market.
Oh, not to mention that the store is full of recent arrivals, from vintage to new. A great new selection of Baggallini totes, bistro glassware, paper, postcards, notebooks and journals, French jewelry from our favorite designer, books, French soaps and lotions (Mistral's shea butter pomegranate soap is my new obsession), children's games and books (learn to count to ten with Le Grenouille!), and more.
On sale during our flea market: scarves and select jewelry are 1/2 off, hand crafted Maruca handbags are 30% off, all pewter is 1/2 off, and Bella Notte bedding in stock is 25% off.
It's a little bit of Paris in Bend. But without the Gauloise smoke, or funny looks if you mispronounce something. And you don't have to go to the Poste and try to argue about sending your precious purchases via
poste economique. You don't have to schlep an extra suitcase around just for your flea market finds. You can just take it easy and come shop right here at Pomegranate in Bend.
So, grab your shopping shoes and your mad money and get to Pomegranate at 10 (or a little early, if you wish). By the way, most vendors will take credit cards for purchases over $100 (and we take credit cards in the store for anything you wish). The flea market goes from 10-4; the shop is open until 5:30. See you at the flea! For directions or more info, go to
www.pomegranate-home.com. Au revoir!