Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ah...the sweet sound of ... construction??

I think it's safe to say that no one in Central Oregon (or anywhere else in the US for that matter) was immune from the constant sounds of construction for the last five-plus years. That ubiquitous groan of trucks moving lumber and cement (and the beep beep beep of backing up), the 7am sharp buzz saw and nail gun coming from across the field or down the street. We thought it would never end. Strangely silent now, except for this little guy.

Ah yes, the Northern Flicker. The cute little bastardo who pounds on your metal drains and chimney covers in order to establish his territory (and by extension, to attract females). Has he been waking you up, too, with his incessant rat-a-tat drilling? Doesn't it sound like construction? Maybe not, but it does sound a bit like spring.

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