Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Last Vintage Flea Market of the season: so good (but sad that we have to wait until next June for another)

Our Vintage Flea Markets were a total hit this season: just about every one was sold out, and all our vendors brought so many great pieces to sell. The grounds were mobbed with folks hunting for all sorts of good things... like kids in a candy store. The last one of the season was on October 1 – it's the first time we've held one in October, and it worked out so well that we'll keep it on the schedule from now on. Happily, we managed to dodge the storms and rain that started afterwards. Here's an easy way to remember flea market dates for next year: first Saturday of the month from June – October. You can put it on your calendar now, in anticipation!

Many thanks to our fabulous vendors, who work so hard to find, fix, and bring their wares to market. It's a never-ending search and rescue mission. Those of us addicted to it probably never get to park their cars in the garage, never catch up on the sleep missed by 5am jaunts to estate sales, have ongoing projects all over the house... and can't stop doing it. We thank all those who participated and made it so enjoyable!

Meanwhile, here are a few pictures of some of the wonderful items we saw at this last market on October 1. Enjoy!

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